I don’t have the extraordinary comprehension of others
Nor do I have their great luck
I was not born into a rich or powerful family
Nor do I have anyone to reply on
But I’m not jealous or resentful or angry
Most importantly, I don’t give up or back down or give in
I gratefully welcome the lessons I have been taught over the years
I gladly endure the pain I have been put through in life
I will turn all of that into a sharp blade, and carve bravely on myself
I will make myself mature and wise at all costs
I will also cherish everything that I have created and come to possess, and use that as the foundation to travel a thousand miles
So, I don’t care if people mock me for being slow or foolish
That is ok. I am the commonest commoner and just want to be the best of myself
And I will just keep going and never stop.