I just feel low these few days.
Nothing seems interesting enough.
There are a couple of things going on but I cannot really pinpoint the root cause.
Maybe it is just natural. Some chemical is either too high or too low in my body.
Maybe it is the diet, or the weather, or it is nothing at all.
More and More, I realize the higher we go, the more we know, the harder the situation could be.
We could see clearly how those constraints work together to block all the possible paths.
And of course, we have to give it to those people who set those “perfect” constraints.
More often than not, the person trapped is among the important ones of them.
If we are in those situations, we would think the situation is challenging.
It is if you want to break free, for which you need a break-through, which, by definition, is hard, if at all possible.
However, there could be another solution — patience!
Just wait out, for the next opportunity.
It could feel a waste of time and life. But that proves to be the way with the best track record.
And surprisingly, it makes more and more sense as we age, compared to younger people who surpassingly have more time to spend in waiting.
We have the right not to do things we do not want to do.
We have the right not to stretch ourselves to complete tasks to make other people’s lives easier.
We have the right to ask for what we deserve.
We have the right to escalate when treated unfairly.
We have the right to…
We have the right, probably more so than we realize.
We just need to exercise smartly.
It was eye-opening to witness it first-hand and for the first time.
We should take care of ourselves first.
Or think about it this way: nothing is guaranteed even if we give up all those rights.
We can exercise those rights right when we stop wanting things out of reach.
When feeling stressed, get ourselves together.
Take a walk, get a coffee or take a nap.
Clear our heads and know that the sky wont fall.
List what we need to do and organize them: when to do what with whose support. By now, at lease half of the stress is gone.
And then do it.
Refuse distractions: colleagues’ questions, boss’s requests etc etc
Till next time!