Time flies! It is already the end of Nov and we are one month from the end of this remarkable year — 2020.
So another update of our Net-Worth.
Overall, it is a good month. STI finally showed some color!
Net-Worth increase from last month: 24.07K SGD, 1.2KG Gold
The increase is mainly due to the recovery of STI and the bonds we hold.
The currency exchange rate fluctuation is mostly offset as we have both US and China assets.
Investment: 4.63% annualized return, incl. dividend
Compared to last month, it is huge improvement. This is the highest for us since March this year.
Stock market is a bit crazy lately due to US election and vaccine. However, I have concerns about the stock market, especially the developed markets. So I might focus my capital injection, if any, on Asia markets in the near future.
Just my two cents for your consideration.
We plan to do a re-cap of our Total NetWorth for Dec. So stay tuned!