It has been about a month since I received the VR headset.
I was playing it daily until the battery ran out for the first few days.
While the experience was largely positive, things like clarity and motion sickness did bother me.
After a few days, I found myself having to make a conscious effort to put it on.
And that made me almost return it.
But I did not, because I procrastinated.
And I started to get busy.
I did not touch the headset for like a week.
And then when I put it on again, the immersion pleasantly surprised me for the 2nd time.
And I started to feel lucky that I had not returned it.
So I started to get really casual about it, playing one or two times a week, depending on my schedule and what I want to do.
And every single time, I loved the emersion, despite all the problems, like clarity, moisture after like half an hour, etc.
And the little moments that jumped in now and then were particularly satisfying.
For example, I was struggling with different ways of holding the gun (controller) for better aiming and suddenly I got into a position I felt comfortable and familiar with.
And then it came to me that that was exactly how I held a real rifle in the live-fire range in Canada.
At that time, I was struggling with different awkward positions trying to look through the iron sight and line up the target.
A veteran saw that and came to me, telling me to put the rifle stock against my shoulder and move my head forward along the stock until I could see through the sight, instead of trying to bend my neck sideways like an idiot to press my cheek against the gun.
That worked and I had a good time.
That moment was particularly satisfying for me, not only because it brought back fond memories, but also because this VR thing was so much closer to how things really worked.
I would have never got that experience no matter how much I play flat-screen shooters.
Furthermore, I am also exploring new things, like videos and social interactions.
They are all largely fun and the experiences are remarkable.
I am happy that I did not return the headset and I think I have found a proper way to use it.
Play when I feel like playing it and focus on the immersion and ignore the problems, and meanwhile, wait for the next-gen headsets.